B&IT consultants possess strong process and SAP skills and an excellent track record supervising and delivering global SAP projects and rollouts in big and medium-sized enterprises. Consequently, B&IT qualifies as an exceptional external partner for complex international projects and rollouts – also in distant countries and remote locations. Among the relevant B&IT competencies are the conceptual and interpersonal skills to design a SAP template, to implement the corresponding prototype on a global basis and to oversee the SAP-based processes successfully in rollouts to local sites, while considering local laws and managing local requirements. In addition, a professional approach is necessary when dealing with different attitudes and viewpoints, as they occur between central corporate departments and local units on the one hand and between business and IT departments on the other. Last but not least, human relations and political constellations must be handled in a suitable way.

Our consultants have relevant SAP project and rollout experience, both throughout Europe and in countries such as Canada, the USA, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, Singapore,Australia, China, Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia. Hence B&IT is ideally qualified to help implement SAP rollouts abroad, e.g., in cases involving a lack of manpower, language skills or experience in or knowledge about a particular country. If required, B&IT is also willing to take over program management, project management and the full implementation of SAP rollouts abroad.
In many cases, the initiation,continuation or resumption of SAP rollout projects is associated with problems for the following reasons:
Among the biggest barriers for SAP rollouts are budget and cost issues, since it is often unclear whether the substantial costs of further SAP rollouts can be justified by concrete business benefits. In each individual case where cost issues come into question, it must be decided whether the specific rollout costs are appropriate given the scope and number of users at the specific rollout site.
The way that SAP rollouts are organized and delivered both as individual projects and as part of a SAP rollout program has a huge impact on the above-mentioned cost issue. It is B&IT’s experience that an industrialized setup will lead to substantial productivity increases within and across SAP rollouts, by providing the required rollout basics, methodologies and procedures, and state-of-the-art tools, e.g., for data migration. B&IT addresses this potential by providing short assessments of SAP rollouts and by taking appropriate steps to industrialize SAP rollouts.
Naturally, there are many more potential obstacles that might have an impact on future SAP rollouts. There might be gaps resulting from the 80/20 rule that had been constantly – and successfully – applied during the first SAP implementation, or gaps caused by additional functional requirements that came up during the daily operation of the SAP system. Or gaps might result simply from the passage of time and the associated changes to the business model and strategy, as well as to personnel and suppliers.
Typical issues:
- Changed business priorities
- More or less local focus of the existing SAP system
- Missing standardization of SAP master data / Low level of data quality
- Intra-group business transactions that are, despite the SAP implementation, at least as complex as with third parties and involve a lot of paperwork
- Missing or limited comparability of statistics and performance indicators
- Loss of personnel with the relevant process and SAP know-how
- Missing documentation and urgent end-user training needs
In the case of fundamental ambiguities and doubts regarding the actual situation and the correct approach to take,B&IT recommends as a first step the initiation of an ERP assessment. During the ERP assessment, the current situation is analyzed in a structured way and realistic options for action are defined. As a result, top management can make an informed decision about how to tackle the existing issues.
When conceiving and implementing global SAP solutions (SAP Global Blueprint, SAP Global Template), B&IT also uses a method-based and process-oriented approach that enables the design of efficient value-creation processes that are integrated throughout the group. Here, as the basis for professional and accelerated project implementation, B&IT applies both its special expertise in the areas of SAP DIMP, SAP Mill and variant configuration (SAP VC) and its field-tested B&IT solutions and add-ons.
In doing so, our consultants rely on their relevant international experience in the conception and implementation of business processes as well as with ECM topics (e.g., group-wide standardized invoice-validation processes) and mobile solutions.
Our consulting services:
- ERP / SAP feasibility study
- Support / Staffing global SAP blueprint
- Support / Staffing SAP rollouts
- Short assessment of the existing SAP solution (ERP assessment)
- Short assessment of SAP rollouts
- Measures to industrialize SAP rollouts
Talk to the SAP rollout experts:
We would be pleased to arrange a meeting, in which our experts will present and discuss with you examples of successful rollout projects in various countries and the potential inherent in a cooperation with B&IT auf.
B&IT Business &IT Consulting GmbH
Naumanngasse 38a
5020 Salzburg
Tel: +43 (0)664 / 884 38 625
Fax: +43 (0)664 / 77 884 38 625
Mail: office@businessandit.com
B&IT Büro Wien
Ungargasse 64-66 / Stiege 2 / Top 208
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)664 / 884 38 625
Fax: +43 (0)664 / 77 884 38 625
Mail: office@businessandit.com
B&IT Consulting Schweiz GmbH
Baarerstrasse 78
6301 Zug
Tel: +41 (0)41 / 729 59 10
Fax: +43 (0)664 / 77 884 38 625
Mail: office@businessandit.com